Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Implementing The Puskesmas Management Information System (Case Study of Community Health Center in South Tangerang City)
This research discusses the results of the analysis of the implementation of the Community Health Center Management Information System (SIMPUS) with a case study of the Community Health Center in South Tangerang City. In this study, researchers used five indicators adapted from Sutrisno (2007:125-126) to measure the extent to which the implementation of SIMPUS affects the effectiveness of health services and its benefits for local communities. Research findings show that program understanding, achievement of goals, and real changes in patient data management have reflected the positive impact of SIMPUS at the South Tangerang Community Health Center. However, technical obstacles, especially related to network and electricity disruptions, pose challenges in using the system. Therefore, suggestions are made to improve infrastructure, officer training, implementation of backup systems, routine maintenance, external cooperation, continuous evaluation, preparation of emergency policies, and development of additional features as necessary improvement and development steps to ensure sustainability and effectiveness. SIMPUS in the future.References
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