Analysis Of Electronic Service Quality, Transaction Security, And Mobile Banking Application Service Quality On The Use Of Digital Banking


  • Hadi Supratikta
  • Dawud Sultonalloh Firdaus
  • Nabilla Adyatrin
  • Fatia Khairunnisa


In the ever-growing digital era, the banking sector has experienced a significant transformation  with the introduction of digital banking. Banks around the world, including banks in Indonesia, have  invested in infrastructure and technology to provide digital banking services to their customers. In this  context, it is important to understand how certain factors may influence the use of digital banking in  Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative research design using descriptive research methods, aiming  to analyze the influence of quality in electronic services, transaction security, and the quality of mobile  banking application services on the use of digital banking. Marketing strategies carried out by digital  banking in facing competition using SWOT analysis. Based on the SWOT analysis, digital banking must  continue to maintain the best and varied products and take advantage of opportunities in increasingly  advanced technology and information.


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