Analysis Of Influence Of Leadership, Work Discipline, And Motivation On The Performance Of Civil Servants In The Immigration Polytechnic Jakarta
This study is aimed to proof the influence of leadership, discipline, and motivation both partially and simultaneously on the performance of employees (if there is) in the immigration polytechnic Jakarta. Influences performance of civil servants will create progress for institutions or organizations to survive. Therefore there must be tips to improve employee performance as the most serious management challenge because success in achieving goals and the survival of an institution depends on the quality of the performance of the human resources it has. This research is a quantitative research type. The population in this study were all civil servants in the immigration polytechnic Jakarta, totaling 110 people and using the saturated sampling method, namely all civil servants as samples. Methods of analysis using statistical methods, namely SPSS type 29 with validity and reliability tests for questionnaires, classical assumptions test, multiple linear regression analysis with F test and T test to prove the hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that partially leadership, discipline, and motivation have a positive and significant impact on performance of civil servants. Simultaneously leadership, discipline, and motivation have a positive and significant impact on the performance of civil servants in the immigration polytehchnic Jakarta.
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