Optimizing the Performance Appraisal Information System (SIPK) Application in Order to Realize a Precision HR Information System in the Police 4.0 Era


  • Martha Valentina Manalu Universitas Pamulang
  • Ni Putu Desi Aryanti Universitas Pamulang
  • Made Indra Mahendra Universitas Pamulang
  • Hadi Supratikta Universitas Pamulang


The existing Performance Appraisal Information System (SIPK) has not been fully implemented, causing less than optimal management of human resource (HR) measurement and assessment. This includes specific aspects such as work contracts and additional duties, as well as generic aspects such as member performance behavior (PKA), rewards, and punishments. This research focused on optimizing online SIPK on HR, using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results concluded that optimizing the assessment scale criteria in each Polri personnel work unit, which includes an assessment based on regional vulnerability opportunities integrated with 13 components, can increase the effectiveness of SIPK. In addition, optimization of the online SIPK performance standard pattern can be done by taking into account 8 aspects, including the personnel record function. Supervision of online SIPK implementation can be strengthened through the role of the Regional Supervisory Inspectorate (Itwasda) by carrying out the responsibilities, functions and roles of technical supervision to ensure awareness in filling out the online SIPK. By taking these steps, it is expected that SIPK can function more optimally in measuring and assessing HR performance, both in terms of work contracts, additional duties, member performance behavior, awards, and punishments. This optimization is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HR management within the Polri.


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