The Effect Of Non-Performing Finance (NPF) and Operating Expenses Operating Income On Return On Assets (ROA) At Sharia Commercial Banks Listed On The IDX For The Period 2011-2020


  • Mei Prasetyoningtias Universitas Pamulang
  • Asri Maulia Rahma Universitas Pamulang
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Universitas Pamulang


The purpose of empirically it is to know how influential variables NPF  and the cost of operating revenue operations to return on assets either in simultaneous or partial. In the results empirically this show Rated t count of variable NPF. This research metod is quantitative, analysis data including classical sumstest, (Normalitas, Multikolenialitas, Heteroskedastisitas, Autokorelasi) simple and multipel Regrestion linear, cofisien korelation dan determination, and hipotesist test.   is (-0.07) much smaller than t table of 2.02619 with a significance level of 0.905, which is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded partially that the NPF  has no effect on ROA . The t- count value of the BOPO variable is (-17.598), which is greater than the t- table of 2.02619 but has a negative value with a significant level of 0 being greater than 0.05. So that it can be partially concluded that the BOPO has a negative and positive effect significant to ROA. Output known of F arithmetic amounted to 292.129 and a significance value of 0 while the value of F table Amounting to 3.26 at the 0.05 level with df 1 (the number of variables -1) 3-1 = 2, and df 2 (nk-1) or = 39 -2-1 = 36 values obtained 3.26. So F table it can be concluded that the F count > F table ( 292.129 > 3:26) and significance < 0.05 (0 < 0.05), then H a in received, so it can be concluded that NPF  and BOPO together have an effect on ROA. D egan value of dterminasi coefficient (KD) 0,94% which means that the value of the effect of  NPF and BOPO of the ROA and the remaining variables were not examined.


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