Analysis Of Marketing Strategies For Organic Vegetables At Himalaya Farm


  • Ari Ardiana Sapari Pamulang University
  • Tara Anggoman Pamulang University
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Pamulang University


Vegetables are a subsection of horticultural plants. Among organic products, vegetables are one of the organic products that consumers like most after rice. Himalaya Farm is a business that operates in the field of organic and non-organic vegetable production. However, with the increasing number of competitors, Himalaya Farm's income will decrease in 2023. The research stages are: (a) Study of literature; (b) Carry out  data  collection;  (c) Formulation  of  the  problem;  (d) SAP analytics; (e) Etop analytics; (f) SWOT  analysis;  (f) Formulating  a  marketing strategy; and (f) Draw conclusion. The results of this research are Himalaya Farm's position based on SAP analysis is in a strong position, and based on ETOP analysis is in a speculative business position. Based on the SAP and ETOP analysis, the company strategy that can be pursued based on the SWOT matrix is an investment strategy. Himalaya Farm should focus on strategies to maintain its competitive advantage and capitalize on its strengths and opportunities. This may include investing in research and development, expanding into new markets, or developing new products or services.


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