Management Information Systems With The Use Of Information Technology In Optimizing The Transportation Of The Sales Division And Delivery Of Goods To Reduce Company Operating Costs


  • Hadi Supratikta University of Pamulang
  • Nofriandi Nofriandi University of Pamulang
  • Indira Novriyanti University of Pamulang


Efficient Management Information Systems and the utilization of Information Technology have become important elements in a company's efforts to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. This study aims to investigate how the implementation of management information systems integrated with information technology can be used for transportation optimization in the Sales and Freight Forwarding Division of the company. This research was conducted in response to the challenges faced by the company in dealing with increasing operational costs related to transportation and freight forwarding.

The research included a field survey, data analysis, and the use of specialized software that integrates the transportation management process with the company's information system.

The practical implications of the findings are that there is significant potential to improve the company's operational efficiency and reduce costs, while also improving customer service.

This research makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of the benefits of integrating management information systems and information technology in the context of transportation management and freight forwarding. The implications of the results of this study also guide efforts to optimize operations and reduce operating costs in an increasingly competitive environment.


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