Analysis Of Marketing Strategies In Order To Increase Healthy Chicken Sales At Prestasifood Tangsel Resellers


  • Surya Budiman Universitas Pamulang
  • Suci Kadarwati
  • Silvany Silvany
  • Supriyadi Supriyadi


Prestasifood is an MSME which operates in the field of marketing livestock and fishery products, both frozen products (Frozenfood) and fresh products (Freshfood). The superior product from Selamatfood is probiotic chicken, namely Healthy Chicken. In marketing, jasafood uses a reseller system. A SWOT analysis to win market competition was carried out. Each reseller carries out a SWOT analysis of this business. As a result, resellers have their own SWOT analysis. Besides, more and more people are becoming aware of health, so many people are switching from regular chicken meat to probiotic chicken meat. Resellers also have their own advantages so that sales of Healthy Chicken are increasing every year.


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