The Contribution Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship To Regional Economic Development


  • Galuh Artika Suri Universitas Pamulang
  • Heriyanto Ardi Universitas Pamulang
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Universitas Pamulang


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy, including in Indonesia. To address the post-pandemic challenges, this research aims to explore and analyse the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in regional economic development. Through a qualitative-descriptive approach, this research involves entrepreneurship actors, innovators, and related parties as research subjects. The main research instruments include in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results of the qualitative-descriptive data analysis provide an in-depth understanding of how entrepreneurship and innovation contribute to local economic growth. It was found that entrepreneurship plays a critical role in creating jobs, increasing productivity and fuelling innovation. In addition, innovation plays an important role in improving regional competitiveness. Thus, this research makes an important contribution in designing policies and strategies for entrepreneurship and innovation development at the regional level to improve community welfare and local economic growth. Future suggestions include strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem, promoting innovation, integrating entrepreneurship in education, collaboration among stakeholders, and developing support policies. By implementing these suggestions, it is expected that the regional economy can be more resilient and sustainable in the face of global dynamics.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Regional Economic Development, Economic Resilience, COVID-19 Pandemic


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