The Influence Of Company Size, Growth Oppurtunity, And Business Risk On Capital Structure (Emperical Study of Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2015-2020 Period)
The reason for this reviewis to discover how to plan an independent company that fits the chances by using innovation in Age Z. Presently, innovative improvements have advanced quickly. The development of technology in the business world is very helpful in various ways for the convenience that is obtained. Age Z is needed by the occasions to have the option to exploit mechanical refinement in beginning private companies. This review utilizes a subjective strategy approach, where information assortment methods can be acquired from perceptions and writing studies. The consequences of this review demonstrate that there are different freedoms for Age Z to plan organizations through Internet business by checking out market openings and redesigning abilities in the field of digitization to help rivalry with contenders who are specialists in their fields.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Marketplace, Generation Z
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