Analysis of Utilization of Online Financial Applications as Financial Management Media For UMKM


  • Derry Wahidayat University of Pamulang
  • Ahmad Faisal University of Pamulang
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah University of Pamulang


The rapid development of technology today has influenced various sectors of life and industries worldwide, especially in Indonesia. This situation has led everyone to strive to make good use of technology and shift towards various types of digital media. Numerous changes have been made from initially using conventional methods to transitioning to the use of digital media. One notable example is in the realm of financial management media.There are many applications and websites created to facilitate individuals or business owners in financial management. Two examples are the BukuWarung application and the TemanBisnis application, both serving as tools for personal or business financial management. This research analyzes the impact of these two applications on online financial management through direct observation of their applications, examining reviews and user opinions related to these applications. Additionally, a literature review is conducted from various sources related to the use of online financial applications and financial management media.The aim of this research is to understand the usefulness of online financial applications as a means of financial management for individuals or businesses. The findings of this research demonstrate that online financial applications like BukuWarung and TemanBisnis are highly beneficial in managing business finances. They enable the regulation of income, expenses, investments, debts, and financial reporting

Keywords: Online Financial Applications, Utilization, Financial Management


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