Entrepreneurial Strategies In The Effort to Develop Business Community


  • Idham Heru Pratomo Universitas Pamulang
  • Hairunnisa Hairunnisa Universitas Pamulang
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Universitas Pamulang


This article is a description of entrepreneurial strategy that refers to the writings of Peter F. Drucker with his book entitled “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice and Principle.†With the literature study method, entrepreneurial strategy as one of the determining factors for the success of entrepreneurs in carrying out their business practice activities, of course knowing various kinds of accurate strategies that are able to bring them into a good and competent entrepreneurial structure according to their respective abilities. This strategy does not always give good results for entrepreneurs, but has a big impact on the development of their business. Entrepreneurial strategy can be used as a provision in creating an entrepreneurial innovation, so that they are expected to have the ability to see the opportunities and good opportunities that are in front of them. This paper uses a literature study method and tries to reveal various kinds of entrepreneurial strategies for the development of theory and practice in entrepreneurship in the future.

 Keywords: Entrepreneurial Strategy, Society, Business Community


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