Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategy and Product Innovation to Increase Sales at PT. Mayora IndahTbk in 2023


  • Suharsono Suharsono Pamulang University
  • Sri Wahyuaningsih Pamulang University
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Pamulang University


This research aims For know digital marketing strategies and innovation products at PT Mayora Tbk in 2023 with use method quantitative which uses numerical data and analysis statistics . Data used in This research is in the form of sales data PT Mayora products Tbk from March 2022-March 2023. Method analysis in this research is method analysis descriptive . From sales data analysis carried out at PT Mayora Tbk show sale product experience increase in each the year . That matter can seen from Sales data cannot be separated from digital marketing strategies carried out on almost all social media. PT. Mayora Indah Tbk is more dominant in digital marketing through advertising on television. Apart from that, the increase in sales cannot be separated from the innovation of PT. Mayora Indah Tbk which follows technological developments and the times and always fulfills what consumers want and need .

 Keywords: digital marketing strategy , innovation products , sales


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