Optimizing The Use Of Management Information Systems In Managing And Improving The Quality Of Educational Products Through The Internal Audit System At Al Azhar University Indonesia (UAI)


  • Engkus Kuswandi Pamulang University
  • Ning Euis Kristiyanti Pamulang University
  • Kiki Oktapitri Pamulang University


Based on observations that have been made, currently the implementation of UAI quality assurance has begun to be implemented by setting quality standards and policies. This is in accordance with what has been determined by Dikti, namely PPEPP (Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control and Improvement). However, the implementation of PPEPP has not been fully realized in each study program. UAI, in this case the Directorate of Quality Assurance, continues to improve quality, efficiency and productivity in order to be able to survive the competition and challenges between universities in today's continuous changing situation. In addition, the lack of integration of all information systems is one of the obstacles that will be improved to improve the internal quality assurance system. The factors of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat which are dynamic factors in the SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, and threat) picture describe UAI's ability to optimize and allocate using its resources and the situation faced in an effort to achieve a goal. To find research answers as stated in the research questions, this research uses qualitative research methods, namely the recording process that describes existing facts based on the state of the object under study (Creswell, 2018). This method is interpretive in nature whose characteristics are based on opinion because the results of the research are based on opinion.

Keywords : Information System, Internal Audit, Quality Assurance System


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