Analysis of the Competitive Strategy of Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd in the Aviation Industry


  • Firman Sidik Pamulang University
  • Loli Wahyuni Pamulang University
  • Nur Shoumi HY Pamulang University
  • Sara Mariani Pamulang University
  • Udin Ahidin Pamulang University


The purpose of this research is to plan a creative and workable strategy for PT.Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd and workable strategy of  Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd in an effort to address the competition in the airline market. Competition in the aviation market. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with the type of data used is secondary data. Data collection methods using literature studies and The data analysis used is SWOT analysis.The results of the SO strategy analysis are that Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd must maximize funding assistance programs from the government to restore the company's financial condition as well as to maintain the company's big name. The results of this ST strategy analysis strategy analysis results, namely Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd must maintain excellent facilities and facilities and excellent service in order to face other airline competitors. The results of analysis of the WO strategy is that with the financial assistance program program from the government, it can also be used to improve competence of the company's human resources. The results of the WT strategy analysis, namely Ltd. Garuda Indonesia bhd must reduce operating costs while still maintaining quality in order to be able to compete in the world of aviation.

Keywords: Competitive Strategy, SWOT Analysis.


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