Analysis Of The Relationship Of Fanaticism To Consumptive Behavior Case Study of JKT48 Bogor Fans


  • Mustika Ramadhani Pamulang University
  • Ajenk Ayunda Pamulang University
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Pamulang University


This study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between fanaticism and consumptive behavior in JKT48 Bogor fans. To get these answers, researchers used a qualitative approach by collecting data in the form of interviews with 5 respondents. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that FJKT48 Bogor is a group of fans who are very enthusiastic and support the idol group JKT48. They show high dedication and enthusiasm through active participation in various promotional activities and purchasing products related to JKT48. Their fanaticism encourages the consumption of products immeasurably, sometimes even exceeding their actual needs.

Keywords: Fanaticism, Consumptive, Fan, JKT48.


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