Effectiveness of Economic Diplomacy Through the Wonderful Indonesia Brand


  • Yulia Dwi Wahyuni Pamulang University
  • Laraswati Puji Lestari Pamulang University
  • M Alkaf Pamulang University


This research analyzes the effectiveness of the Wonderful Indonesia campaign , especially in 2011 - 2015, in increasing tourism in Indonesia. One of the Indonesian government's efforts to improve the tourism sector is by launching the country's branding or slogan with the aim of promoting the beautiful potential of Indonesian tourism. As the largest country in terms of cultural heritage and enormous natural wealth, the promotion carried out by the Indonesian government is to show the international world that Indonesia has many destinations supported by the tourism sector and also to create Indonesia's image in the eyes of the international world. In this research, researchers use the concept of an economic diplomacy approach where Indonesian tourism can also help raise the economic level of a country and increase the country's foreign exchange earnings. So that Indonesia's targets in the tourism sector are not only carried out by the government, but can also be carried out in collaboration with non-government actors.


Keywords : economic diplomacy, soft diplomacy, slogans, charm of Indonesia, tourism sector


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