An Analysis Of Indonesia National Leader, Paradigm And Personality


  • Ahmad Faisal Suryadarma University
  • Ahmad Dirwan Suryadarma University
  • Dedi Kristanto Suryadarma University


This study aims to identify the personality traits of Indonesian national leaders. The stagnation of the dignity of the Indonesian people is caused, among others, by national leadership that lacks integrity, responsibility, transparency, professionalism, and discipline. The most obvious evidence of this is rampant corruption in Indonesia. In the corruption perception index, Indonesia has a score of 34 out of 100 (, accessed on 02-05-2023). This analysis uses qualitative approach with grounded theory method. The data is sourced from literatures and interviews with respondents including TNI experts, government officials and academics. The analysis identified several national leadership traits that must be developed, namely: self-acceptance, meaning that when one has a sense of self-worth, believes in their own abilities, and is aware and accepts the limits of their abilities; suppleness, meaning that when one is liked by others, can work with others, and capable of being a leader; work efficiency, meaning that when one is able to concentrate, work according to their abilities, and has a sense of responsibility; and free of internal conflicts, when one is realistic, mature in behaviors, and has emotional control.

Keywords: leadership, personality, nation's dignity, national


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