The Influence Of Social Support On The Learning Motivation Of Postgraduate Students At Unsurya:


  • Christian Natanael Tarigan The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This research aims to analyze the influence of social support on the learning motivation of postgraduate students at Unsurya University, focusing on the context of Human Resource Management (HRM). Faced with the increasingly complex dynamics of higher education, the learning motivation of postgraduate students becomes crucial, requiring adequate social support. The research methodology employs a qualitative approach with an emphasis on a literature review to delve into the subject. The results of the literature analysis indicate that social support, whether from peers, family, or lecturers, has a significant positive impact on the learning motivation of students. The role of the academic advisor is particularly crucial in providing academic support and research opportunities that motivate students. The implications of these findings can assist universities in developing supportive strategies, including strengthening the role of academic advisors and designing structured social support programs. These measures are expected to enhance the effectiveness of social support and learning motivation for postgraduate students in the academic environment of Unsurya University. 

Keywords: Social Support, Learning Motivation, Postgraduate Students, Human Resource 

Management (HRM), Unsurya 


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