The Impact Of Effective Human Resource Management On Lecturer Performance Within The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University


  • Doni Yohanes Rulixon Sibarani The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta
  • Syamsunasir Syamsunasir The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This study aims to investigate the impact of effective human resource management on lecturer performance within The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University. Good human resource management in higher education is the key to improving the quality of education and research, and therefore, this study tries to understand the relationship between human resource management and lecturer performance. Combination research methods used in research. The results showed that effective human resource management practices, such as careful recruitment, relevant training, fair performance evaluation, and clear career development, have a positive impact on the motivation of lecturers and their performance. In addition, lecturer job satisfaction, commitment to the university's vision, and good access to training and career development also play an important role in moderating the relationship between human resource management and education. This research provides valuable insights for The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University and other universities on the importance of effective human resource management in improving lecturer performance. Practical recommendations were also presented for improvements in human resource management practices to support the vision of improving the quality of higher education.This research aims to investigate the impact of effective human resource management on the performance of lecturers in the The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University environment. Good human resource management in higher education is the key to improving the quality of education and research, and therefore, this research tries to understand the relationship between human resource management and lecturer performance. 

A combined research method was used in this research, which included a survey with questionnaires to lecturers, interviews with HR administrators, and analysis of documents related to university HR policies.The research results show that effective human resource management practices, such as careful recruitment, relevant training, fair performance evaluation, and clear career development, have a positive impact on lecturers' motivation and their performance. In addition, lecturer job satisfaction, commitment to the university's vision, and good access to training and career development also play an important role in moderating the relationship between human resource management and lecturer performance.This research provides valuable insights for Marshal Aerospace University Suryadarma and other universities about the importance of effective human resource management in improving lecturer performance. Practical recommendations are also presented for improvements in human resource management practices to support the vision improving the quality of higher education.

Keywords : Management, Effective, Lecturer.


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