The Impact Of Transformational Leadership On The Performance Of Unsurya Lecturer And Administrative Staff


  • Femy Yuliani The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This research discusses the impact of transformational leadership on the performance of lecturers and administrative staff at Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadharma University (UNSURYA). Transformational leadership, as the main framework, has a central role in shaping an innovative and goal-oriented organizational culture. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. The results showed that transformational leadership positively affected the motivation and engagement of lecturers and administrative staff. The respondents stated that leader charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration play a key role in creating a positive work environment. In addition, transformational leadership also has a positive impact on creativity and innovation, opening up space for fresh ideas and new solutions to educational challenges. Strong interpersonal relationships and enhanced collaboration are direct manifestations of transformational leadership, strengthening team cohesion across UNSURYA. Rapid response to change was also a hallmark, enabling effective adaptation to the dynamics of an ever-evolving educational environment. Nonetheless, the research also identified challenges in changing the organizational culture and emphasized the need for ongoing support and leadership training. In conclusion, the implementation of transformational leadership at UNSURYA brings significant positive impact to the performance of lecturers and administrative staff, however, sustainability and further development are needed to maximize its potential in achieving higher educational goals.


Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Lecturer and Staff Performance


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