Motivation and Competence of Lecturers in improving Student Learning Achievement Elementya
Motivation and competence will determine the quality of learning that will affect student achievement. In the ongoing learning process to achieve the expected results, students must have learning motivation and competent lecturers. This study aims to determine the motivation and competence of lecturers in improving student learning achievement. This research uses qualitative research with a literature review approach that examines more deeply and precisely about the research topic by observing, reviewing, assessing and interpreting previous research through relevant books and journals. The results showed that lecturers have a high key role in improving the quality, relevance, efficiency and achievement of student learning. Lecturers must optimally prepare their competence, because after all the competence of lecturers will reflect good performance as well. Lecturers who have competence must be able to motivate students with a variety of the latest knowledge and relevance in real life. Students who are motivated to learn will automatically improve student achievement. It can be concluded that the motivation and competence of lecturers can improve student achievement. Keywords: Motivation, Competence, Learning Achievement, Literature Review StudyReferences
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