Implementation of Hybrid Learning in Higher Education


  • Jagad Agus Nugroho The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This research aims to explore the process of using hybrid learning in higher education in Indonesia and explore the strengths and weaknesses of hybrid learning in higher education. The method for reviewing the literature is carried out by searching and collecting literature studies with the keyword "implementation of hybrid learning in higher education". The search results show that hybrid learning has a positive impact on the learning process in higher education and is effectively implemented in higher education. The impact can simultaneously improve student learning outcomes such as motivation, cognitive skills, communication skills, discipline, connections, representation, and mathematics. In addition, this hybrid learning has strengths such as increased complexity and better understanding of the material, weaknesses such as difficulty managing study schedules and student dependence on devices and networks, opportunities such as reduced digital alignment and connection of more than one learning model, and threats such as workload and there is a gap between learning design and student learning styles. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used by policymakers as a reference in decisions about using hybrid learning.

Keywords: Hybrid Learning, higher education


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