Analysis of Student Interests and Decisions in Choosing a Postgraduate Program at Air Marshal Suryadharma University
The postgraduate program is a master’s education program aimed at undergraduate students to continue their education studies to the next level. The purpose of this master’s/ postgraduate education is intended for individuals to get a job with good qualifications. The level of majors in the postgraduate program is more specific than the undergraduate program. The purpose of this paper is to analyze students’ interests and decisions in choosing a postgraduate program at Air Marshal Suryadharma University. This research method uses literature review research using a qualitative approach. The result obtained the percentage obtained from the transition of students to masters from undergraduate is 4.46 percent. In determining the consideration of postgraduate selection, a student must think carefully regarding his decision-making. The influencing factors include interest, control, norms, and attitudes. The conclusion obtained is that students’ decisions in choosing a postgraduate program can be influenced by interest factors at Air Marshal Suryadharma University. A student is a student who has an adult age domain, so he has full rights in decision-making. In determining the consideration of postgraduate selection, a student must think carefully regarding his decision-making.
Keywords: interest, decision, postgraduate
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