Analysis of the Effect of Pricing on Student Satisfaction ar Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University


  • Richardo Jolanda The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or the amount of value that students exchange for the benefit of acquiring or using that product or service. The purpose of the literature review is to find out how the effect of pricing strategies on the level of student satisfaction at Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University. Method: Literature Review. Of the 6 studies used, 6 of them used quantitative research methods. The population is all consumers in various companies and the sample used is some consumers who feel this pricing strategy in companies in the world. Results: Based on 6 studies, it was found that the analysis of the effect of pricing strategies on the level of student satisfaction of Marshal Suryadarmaini Aerospace University was quite good. Because with the establishment of this strategy, students can feel various benefits. Discussion: The role of pricing strategy as an influence on student satisfaction

Keywords: Pricing Strategy, Student Satisfaction


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