The Influence of Social Media Content and Branding on Interest in Studying at Suryadarma University


  • Rosihan Miftahul Aziz The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This article discusses the significant impact of social media and branding on students' learning motivation at Suryadarma University in Indonesia. The literature review and hypothesis development highlight the importance of utilizing social media for promotional activities and information dissemination in the academic environment. The research methodology used is a literature review, involving a thorough analysis of ongoing research on a specific topic within the realm of science. The study's findings indicate the effective use of social media in supporting university promotional activities and increasing new student registrations. Additionally, the research emphasizes the importance of strategic social media content and branding in attracting and engaging students, as well as the effectiveness of social media platforms for promotional activities and information dissemination. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of utilizing social media and university branding to attract and engage students, and calls for further research on the impact of social media on student interest in educational institutions.

Keywords: Branding, Brand Image, Literature Review, Promotion, Social Media


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