Organizational Culture, Quality of Human Resources, Motivation and Discipline on Employee Performance at Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University


  • Siti Aminah The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Every company needs qualified human resources, one of which is by improving the quality of performance and motivating its employees to be more capable and loyal at work. Aspects that need to be considered to improve employee performance and employee motivation are culture, organization, quality of human resources and discipline. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of knowing organizational culture, quality of human resources, discipline on the motivation and performance of employees in their element. The type of research used in this research is associative using quantitative data. The analysis method used is path analysis. The results of this research show that organizational culture, quality of human resources and discipline influence motivation, organizational culture and motivation do not influence employee performance and quality of human resources and discipline influence employee performance. The advice that can be given to Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University is to pay more attention to the quality of human resources and the discipline applied because it can stimulate employee motivation so that employee performance can increase. It is also best to the need to implement organizational culture well so that organizational goals can be achieved 

Keywords: Organizational culture, quality of human resources, discipline, motivation, employee performance 


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