Analysis Of E-Learning Course Systems For Employee Class Students


  • Sulaiman Efendi The Aerospacae Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


The campus is a service provider for higher education, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in order to increase the interest of prospective students who want to improve their qualifications but are constrained by distance and time, so that there is a lecture system that is not limited by space or time with In other words, wherever you are, as long as there is intention within you and there is an internet connection, you can continue your studies using bold or e-learning. The effectiveness of lectures using the e-learning system is an evaluation material for campuses that implement the e-learning system in order to further improve the lecture system processes and services. This research uses literature observations (Literature Review) by comparing several previous studies in Indonesia which have been published on Google Scholar in the period 2017 to 2022. The results of the literature review research conducted show that the e-learning lecture system was reviewed from several aspects, among others. The location, facilities and platform used by research show that the e-learning lecture system is quite effective and influences prospective students' interest in continuing their studies.

Keywords : E-Learning; library research; Learning Effectiveness 


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