Analysis Of Online Learning On The Effectiveness Of Student Learning Of Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma University


  • Thowvik Nur Rohman The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Development in various sectors is closely related to the development of information and communication technology. Advances in technology and information are closely related to the development of the education sector in a region, country or world. Various changes in the field of education include easy access to information and learning materials, the introduction of digital learning and the use of diversity in learning. Digital learning requires the development of digital materials that use several learning methods, namely multimodal. The purpose of this  journal is to determine the effectiveness of online education on students' academic achievement. Learning outcomes are process-based studies of student learning outcomes. An education system is considered successful when the teaching and learning process brings goodness, knowledge, perseverance and intelligence into the classroom, as well as successful teaching and focus on the learning outcomes achieved by students. Opportunities and a positive attitude to lead to behavior change. The lack of effective online education is related to  studentswho suddenly switch from traditional education to online systems, are not fully prepared and face many obstacles during the transition period. Many people today find such elements in education. Most of them do not know or do not know how to do online education for teachers, lecturers or students, thus affecting the success of the course. Most respondents expressed satisfaction  with online learning, especially for  students who are already working or have families so that they  can divide time for online   lectures and with daily routines. 

Keywords: online, learning, effectiveness, learning


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