Improving Self Directed Learning In Online-based Education Systems (In The Network)


  • Trisno Witanta Tarigan The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Increasing students' reasoning ability to take the initiative and have responsibility with full awareness in learning independently (self-directed learning) is certainly a current concern. In online learning situations, meaning without face-to-face contact with educators, each student is required to have the ability to determine strategies for learning, and the ability to evaluate independently well, the intrapersonal skills of each student will be visible. Self-directed learning activities cannot be separated from understanding the importance of literacy. Student independence in learning independently will be easily achieved if students have the ability to understand and process various information encountered when reading or writing. Learning which is currently carried out virtually or online certainly expands the variety of information and learning resources, mastering data-based literacy that does not only rely on textbooks. The activities in this service are focused on optimizing student independence in learning by improving literacy skills in online learning. 


Keywords: Literacy, Online Learning, Self Directed Learning 


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