Analysis of Employeed Workload in Lectures at Suryadarma University
This study aims to analyze the impact of workload and work stress on job satisfaction with the motivation of a solution to the intervention. writing aims to measure the workload of employees while studying at Marshal Suryadarma University, while being a student regarding activities in the Master of Management Postgraduate Education Study Program. The form of this writing is quantitative correlational with a type of survey research. The sample in this study was 120 people using the Stratified Random Sampling technique. Data collection techniques use documentation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and simple correlation. The research results show that the workload of employees who are studying tends to have a very heavy burden in dealing with problems on campus. The performance of a lecturer at a university by several variabel. This research was conducted at Suryadarma University. The objective of the research was to find out effect of workload, working enviroment and compensation towards the performance of the lecturer. Data were collected by distributing questionnersires. It can be cocluded that workload, working enviroment and compensation had a significant effect it is suggested that the lecturers should be given opportunity to continue their study to a higher level. From the various definitions above, it can be takenConclusion, workload is the amount of workthat must be resolved by someone insidecertain period of time. Workload can be:physical and mental burden can be seen fromobjective angle and From the various definitions above, it can be taken Conclusion, workload is the amount of workthat must be resolved by someone inside certain period of time. Workload can be:physical and mental burden can be seen from objective and subjective angles.
Keywords: Workload; Motivation; Job Satisfaction
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