Employee Recruitment and Selection Strategies At Marshal Suryadharma Aerospace University: Addressing Challenges In Improving The Quality Of Education


  • Yoga Pamungkas The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University,Jakarta


This study aims to analyze and describe the recruitment and selection strategy of employees at Air Marshal Suryadharma University in facing the challenges of improving the quality of education. The research method used is qualitative research with in-depth interviews and document analysis as data collection techniques. The results showed that Air Marshal Suryadharma University has implemented an employee recruitment and selection strategy that focuses on identifying the qualifications and competencies required for each position. Diversification of the teaching force is also a concern, with an emphasis on the balance between academic background and practical experience.

The selection process is conducted through up-to-date methods and in-depth interviews to gauge motivation, interpersonal skills, and commitment to educational development. Onboarding and ongoing training programs are implemented to ensure the integration of new hires and updates on the latest developments in education.

Nonetheless, the study also noted challenges, particularly with regard to ethical aspects and recruitment policies. Therefore, this study provides recommendations to pay more attention to ethical aspects and policies in the recruitment and selection process to ensure that the entire process runs in accordance with applicable standards

This research is expected to contribute to a better understanding of recruitment and selection strategies at Air Marshal Suryadharma University and provide a basis for improving the quality of education through effective human resource management.

Keywords: Recruitment strategies, challenges, education quality


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