Analysis Of Distance Learning Using E-learning Methods On Study Postgraduate Students Who Are Working And Have Families


  • Yudi Nanda Handika The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Talking about the basic concepts of educational technology such as distance education technology is a challenge in itself, namely one of them is learning media. So that the role of educational technology today is needed to support the smooth running of teaching and learning activities (Sukiman, 2015). In addition, in educational technology, the embodiment in the utilization of technology in distance education needs to prioritize the concept of the basic use of educational technology that is adapted to the demands of the times as well as technology commonly used in education such as TV, LED, radio, tape, computer, laptop, and so on (Nasution, 1987). In terms of educational technology (Haryanto, 2015) explains that educational technology has an important role in terms of improving the quality of education in Indonesia. The development of information technology makes it easy to communicate information exchange so that place, time and distance are no longer an obstacle. The rapid development of information technology cannot be separated from the development of computer engineering. This advancement in the field of computers and information technology also has a positive impact on the field of education. The most influential application of computer technology and information technology in the field of education is the use of computer networks and the internet. With the internet, information services to target students are not limited to space, time and distance. Through the internet, information services can be provided as learning resources, learning media that can be studied according to the learning speed of students. With the existence of information and communication technology, it is expected to be used to support the implementation of the teaching and learning process from a distance. Because technology has a role to make the teaching and learning process effective and can continue to run well. In this way, existing technology will have wider benefits that we will not only use as entertainment but we can also use it to access any learning by using existing platforms properly and not stuttering technology.

Keywords: e-learning, information and communication technology, distance lectures.


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