Sales Strategy Implementation Analysis Modern Retail Store Selma At Bekasi City


  • Desi Nuri Novitasari Pertiwi The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


This study aims to determine the Retail Business Marketing Strategy in Selma at Bekasi City. In this study using qualitative research, data collection was carried out by means of interviews, direct observation, and documentation. The analysis technique used is data reduction and triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the marketing strategy at Selma is appropriate in the segmentation strategy, there is no specificity in accepting consumers because Selma accepts all people who come to shop. In the targeting strategy of Selma in Bekasi City, they chose the right target market because their target market was all people.  In the positioning strategy, Selma in Bekasi sells products according to consumer needs for fill accessories or furniture at home and builds consumer trust well. And the strategy in the marketing mix is good but still needs to be considered and improved for product availability and promotion. 

Keywords : Marketing Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting, Market Position, Marketing Mix 


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