Competitive Strategy for the Dirgantara Marshal Suryadarma University (Unsurya) Masters of Management Program against Masters of Management Programs in the Jakarta and Surrounding Areas
Marshal Suryadarma Dirgantara University (UNSURYA) Master of Management Programis one of the study programs that has a postgraduate strata 2 (S2) program at Dirgantara Marshal Suryadarma University which was only opened in 2004. This Elemental Management Masters Program is a relatively new program because there are already Masters in Management programs from other universities in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. Considering that the Master of Solar Management program is relatively new and there are Master of Management programs from other universities, the Master of Solar Management program has problems competing with the Master of Management programs of other universities in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.
The research object is the Master of Solar Management program with the subjects being policy makers (structural officials) along with lecturers (functional officials), and employees as well as students and alumni of the Master of Solar Management program, apart from that, structural officials, lecturers and students from universities who have Master of Management program and the community (Civil Servants, employees, private sector, TNI, etc.) around Jakarta and its surroundings. This research uses a qualitative analysis approach with SWOT analysis to systematically identify various factors to formulate Unsurya's strategy, by maximizing strengths (Strength) and opportunities and simultaneously can minimize weaknesses and threats which is called situation analysis.
From the results of the situation analysis using SWOT, it can be seen that the strengths are possessedThe Master of Solar Management program is already known by the public as a private university that provides education at low and affordable costs with good quality. This condition needs to be maintained and has an impact in influencing the accelerated development of the Master of Solar Management program. Marketing strategies with passive promotion continue to be implemented and developed in collaboration with local governments, schools, agencies and private companies. One weakness that needs to be considered is maintaining the accreditation of the Master of Solar Management program. Meanwhile, in anticipating the threat of Master of Management programs from other universities providing cheaper tuition fees, the Master of Management program at Unsurya needs to provide various conveniences in payment by providing loans for Unsurya lecturers which are linked to opportunities from government policy that will appoint lecturers. must have a strata 2 education level.
Keywords: Marketing strategy, Competitive Strategy, SWOT Analysis.
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