Literature Study: Banking Marketing Strategy Management In Increasing Customers


  • Khoirul Falah Mauladi The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


The development of banking continues to show very rapid and significant progress, updates and innovations in this business area are very fast and seem to keep up with the times. Banking is not only a place where we deposit and withdraw the money we have, more broadly from the core of this concept, banking is one of the biggest cogs in the current economic cycle. This type of research is a literature study. Zed in Kartiningsih's research (2015) said that the literature study method is a series of activities related to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing research materials. Kartiningsih added that literature studies are carried out by each researcher with the main aim of finding basic foundations for obtaining and building a theoretical basis, framework of thinking, and determining temporary assumptions or also known as research hypotheses. So that researchers can group, allocate Marketing Management, organize and use a variety of literature in their field. 1. Banking is a business, where a business has to achieve targets that must be completed as a reference for the health of its business. In this era of free competition, the banking business not only makes other banks rivals, but with the rapid development of financial service products. emerging on a technological basis


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