
  • Santi Dwi Jayanti The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


The purpose of this research is to determine communication strategies in marketing,the effectiveness of marketing strategies and health services in hospitals. Hospitals are providers of health services to improve the level of public health so that health workers must provide optimal service. Patient experiences with the service provided influence the choice of hospital. Will be aimed at for their treatment. Marketing communication strategies for health service are an evaluation of hospital management in maintaining or improving the quality of health service. The strategies carried out by the marketing and collaboration divisions greatly influence the strength in building consumer trust in hospitals. Apart from that, they are also supported by improvements in health services, increasing performance in the field of human resources. Infrastructure, as well as the quality of hospital services. Studies show that a good marketing communication strategy will influence health services in hospitas. 

Keywords : Effectiveness; Marketing Communication Strategy, Health Services


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