Marketing Strategy, Opening and Quality Of Service on HR's Decision to Become TNI AD Soldiers
The objectives of the research are: to analyze and describe: The targets of Indonesian National Army-Army land (TNI-AD) bureaucratic reform, TNI-AD bureaucratic reform strategy, and
Evaluation of TNI-AD bureaucratic reform at the Hasanuddin Military Command Jaya/Jayakarta. This research is classified as phenomenological research and the research approach used is descriptive qualitative. It is intended to be able to provide a systematic, factual and actual description of the object under study. The results showed that (1) The targets of the TNI-AD bureaucratic reform at Hasanuddin Military Command Jaya/Jayakarta, as measured by the indicators: (a) The appearance of the TNI as clean & free of KKN was realized through a clean military court, free of KKN, improving the quality of public services, and being transparent in making decisions. every case involving TNI units, and (b) Increasing the capacity of bureaucratic performance to find accountability for the realization of the obligation to be responsible for the implementation of bureaucratic reform at the Hasanuddin Military Command Jaya/Jayakarta, (2) The strategy for bureaucratic reform of the TNI-AD Kodam Jaya/Jayakarta, which is assessed by indicators: (a) The TNI AD macro regulatory framework is reflected in the regulation of the main military courts and is guided by the Supreme Court regulatory framework in realizing the vision and mission as well as the TNI AD goals and objectives, and (b) The TNI AD micro program framework is seen in carrying out the main tasks and functions of the TNI. AD is related to defense and technical fields as well as in the field of support for security and technical, and (3) bureaucratic reform of the TNI-AD Kodam Jaya/Jayakarta, as measured by the indicators: (a) The policy content of the areaof change is the defense enforcement and service program aimed at carrying out the main tasks and functions (mandatory ) of the TNI-AD Kodam Jaya/Jayakarta, in a simple, transparent, fast and accountable manner to create publictrust in defense services, and (b) The process of implementing the change area shows the process of developing an Integrity zone following the declaration of an integrity zone that focuses on implementing change management programs, structuring management, structuring management Human Resources, strengthening supervision, strengthening performance accountability, and improving the quality of concrete public services.
Keywords: Policy Evaluation, Bureaucratic Reform, and TNI Integrity.References
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