Literature Study : Utilization of Social Media Applications Instagram, Facebook dan TikTok as Marketing Media


  • Wahyu Rahman The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta
  • Ahmad Faisal The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University, Jakarta


Social Media utilization with various types of applications and features is growing rapidly in Indonesia, so that business actors use social media as one of the marketing media. Researchon marketing through social media (Social Media Marketing) has also been done a lot before. The use of social media and the results obtained from marketing using social media need to be studied to be able to develop various other marketing strategies. This study is a literature review by reviewing previous studies with a focus on analysis, namely examining the effectiveness of marketing through social media, especially Facebook, Instagram and TikTok applications on the marketing results of each of these applications. The method used is a literature study of various previous studies, and the author submits aresearch experiment inSocial Media Marketing.

Keywords: Social media, marketing media, facebook, instagram, tiktok


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