The impact of workload, work discipline and compensation on employee turnover intention at The Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University
Every organization wants its employees to have high work discipline skills and maintain them. A high turnover rate will have a negative impact on the organization, this creates instability and uncertainty regarding the conditions of the workforce, the organization also loses experienced employees who have received a lot of training and eventually needs to retrain new employees. This research aims to test and analyze the influence of workload and work discipline on turnover intentions. The sampling method uses saturated samples. Data was collected directly using a questionnaire with 120 permanent employees interviewed at Marshal Suryadarma Dirgantara University (UNSURYA). The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression processed using SPSS. Workload, work discipline and compensation together influence turnover intentions by 56.2%, while 43.8% is explained by other factors. Research findings show that workload and work discipline together have a significant effect on turnover intentions. This means that the turnover intention variable (Y) can be explained by the three independent variables workload (X1), work discipline (X2) and compensation (X3). As a result of the analysis, it was found that workload and work discipline had a positive and significant effect on turnover intentions. The workload variable was the variable that had the greatest influence on turnover intentions. Increased workload also contributed to increased turnover intentions.
Keywords: workload; discipline; compensation; turnover intention
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