Analysis Of The Influence Of Leadership Style, Motivation And Organizational Culture On The Performance Of The Management Of The Jakarta Aup Polytechnic Cadet Senate Management


  • Walian Maimun Al Qadiri Pamulang University
  • Roy Qurrotu Ainin Pamulang University
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Pamulang University


The aim of this research is to provide answers to the problems discussed, namely the influence of transformational (X1) and transactional (X2) leadership styles, where the two variables are more dominant on job satisfaction (Y). Another objective is to determine the influence of X1 on Y and X2 on Y with achievement motivation (X3), affiliation (X4), and strength (X5) as moderator variables. The object of research is the AUP Jakarta Poliotechnic Cadet Senate Management , with a minimum service period of 1 year as management of the AUP Jakarta Polytechnic Cadet Senate. The number of research objects was 404 and 100 people were taken as research samples, and were taken using proportional simple random sampling techniques. Variables X1 and X2 are based on MLQ, X3,The data collection instrument was a questionnaire and assessment with a Likert scale of 1 to 5. The validity test was to find 1 question item in variable X2, and 2 question items in variable Y, were invalid, and were not used for research. The results of the reliability test show that the three variables are reliable. Data analysis uses multiple linear and/or interactive regression with t test, F test, and coefficient of determination.The hypothesis that has more evidence is that the influence of X1 Y is greater than X2. Other results, namely X3, X4, and X5 partially, moderate the influence of X1 on Y. However, only X5 moderates the influence of X2 on Y, and neither does X3 nor X3. The implication of this research is that managers and middle managers must develop a commitment to creating staff job satisfaction by increasing knowledge and application of several concepts and theories, according to the results of a critical study of the motivation and dynamism of the management of the AUP Jakarta Polytechnic Cadet Senate .

 Keywords : leadership style, transformational and transactional, motivation, achievement, affiliation and power, job satisfaction , Cadet Senate Management


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