The Influence Of Productive Zakat Fund Program Management On Impossible Income Levels In National Amil Zakat Agency
The research objective was to determine whether there is an effect of the productive zakat fund program on the income level of mustahik, and to find out how much influence the productive zakat fund program has on the income level of mustahik. Data analysis methods used include validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, significant individual parameter test (t statistical test) and the Ho Ha hypothesis. . Based on the results of the research, the validity test results are declared valid, the reliability test is declared reliable, and the results of hypothesis testing are: 1) to find out whether there is an effect of the productive zakat fund program on the income level of mustahik, and 2) to find out how much influence the productive zakat fund program has on the level of income. mustahik income.
Keywords: Productive Zakat Fund Management, Mustahik Income
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