The Effect Of Credit And Public Fund On Profit After Tax At PT. BJB Tbk And PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk
Bank is one of the sectors that support the economic of Indonesia. BJB and BNI give funds to the public in the form of credit. Bank raises the maximum amount of public funds to operate own activities, their activities including credit distribution to public. In 2014, BJB has an decrease in after tax profit even though credit and public funds increased, similiarly with the same case to BNI in 2015. This research was conducted to find out whether credit and public funds affect earnings after tax in BJB and BNI. The method used in this research is associative quantitative by using descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis of this research use t test, f test, and coefficient of determinasi. The results of partial, credit have effect on profit after tax, and public funds haven’t affect the profit after tax. Based on the simultaneous test results obtained data that credit and public funds have a positive and significant effect to profit after tax of 71.8% and the remaining 28.2% influenced by variables that have not been studied.
Keywords: Credit, Public Fund, and Profit After Tax
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