Utilization of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in determining The Most Popular Driver Partner App Brands To maximize sales of home-made culinary SMEs


  • Wahyu Nurul Faroh Universitas Pamulang
  • Sri Eka Lestari Universitas Pamulang


The development of digital and information technology in Indonesia is increasing very rapidly, so this has triggered the development of driver-partner applications and social media in Indonesia. No exception to food SMEs, food SMEs can shift by utilizing the development of driver-partner applications and social media to expand the market segment by distributing information online. In Twitter's social media information, users disclose information that is known to be associated with a brand. This proves the level of user awareness of a brand. Information from these users is User Generated Content (UGC), namely the track records left by users on social media. This study uses this phenomenon to measure the most popular brands on social media to measure one's awareness and interest in an online driver-partner brand. Utilization of analysis of social media users on Twitter social media using Social Network Analysis (SNA) helps food SMEs in assessing the position of driver-partner applications based on the level of public awareness on Twitter social media regarding the driver-partner application brand. So, this research will show and determine the most popular brand between the two driver-partner applications. This study uses the SNA method, with secondary data in the form of consumer tweets on Twitter related to GoFood and GrabFood. This type of research is qualitative that aims to describe a result of the phenomenon that occurs. The result of this research is the ranking of the driver-partner application brand based on the level of user awareness on social media Twitter.

Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises; Social Network Analysis; User Generated Content


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