The Influence of Quality , Variety and Price on Purchasing Buying Decision Internet Data XL Axiata in Rangkapan Jaya Depok


  • Danang Febianto Edi Pratomo Universitas Pamulang


The Prupose of This study is to find the effect of product Quality ,Variaty of Product and Price for decision of purchasing Data Internet XL Axiata. Purchase Decision is customer reference to decide of buying some product after think about worth or worthless buying a product. The Method of this reasech using quantitative descriptive method due measure the relatshionship between variables. This research held on Rangkapan Jaya Depok district . Based on the result of validity test showing indepent variable such as Quality , Varity and Price has some effect for purchasing buying decision . The  Coeficient of determination showed up that 96,3 % people in rangkapanjaya buying Data Internet XL Axiata  influenced by 3 Variable such as  Quality , Varity and Price. Each Variable has a significant positive efeect on the purchasing decision

Keywords: Telecomunication , Prodcut , Quality , Price , Variaty Prodct ,Purchase Decision


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