The Effect Of Motivation And Work Discipline On Employee Performance In Koperasi Mitra Indonesia
This study aims to determine how much influence motivation and work discipline on employee performance at Koperasi Mitra Indonesia Bogor and the object of this research are employees at Koperasi Mitra Indonesia Bogor. The research method used in this research is quantitative method. The research data were collected by using a questionnaire distribution method, sampling using a saturated sample of 40 respondents, using data analysis including: Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, Hypothesis Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Coefficient of Determination. Based on the results of the calculation of multiple linear regression analysis, the equation Y = 6.865 + 0.447X1 + 0.360X2 with the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.317 or 31.7% proves that the motivation and work discipline variables contribute or influence 31.7% on employee performance while the rest 68.3% influenced by other factors not examined in this study. And based on the hypothesis test using the t test (partial) between the motivation variable (X1) and the performance variable (Y) the results of t count> t table (2.835> 2.026) show that motivation has an effect on employee performance, while the results of the t test between work discipline variables (X2 ) with the performance variable (Y) the results of tcount> ttable (2.070> 2.026), which means that work discipline has an effect on employee performance and based on the results of the F test between motivation (X1) and work discipline (X2) on Y performance, the result is Fcount> Ftable (8,587 > 3.24) indicates that motivation and work discipline jointly influence employee performance at Koperasi Mitra Indonesia Bogor.
Keywords: Motivation, Work Discipline and Performance
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