Effect of Current Ratio (CR) and Debt to Asset (DAR) on Return On Assets (ROA) PT. Verena Multi Finance, Tbk


  • Heni Rusmanto Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to examine the effect of Current Ratio and Debt to Asset on return on assets at PT. Verena Multi Finance, tbk. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis method. One of the requirements for conducting multiple analysis tests is that the classical assumption test is necessary. This is necessary and important so that the resulting regression equation is BLUE (Best, Linear, Un], Estimator). In addition, to assess the goodness of fit of a model, the coefficient of determination, F test, and t test are carried out. This study uses annual data from 2012 - 2019 for each research variable.

The results of this study indicate that the CR variable has no significant effect on ROA price with t count -641 and a significant t of 0.550. While the DAR variable has no significant effect on ROA with a value of 637 and a significant t of 0.552. In addition, it is found that the R square value is 9.0%. This means that 9.0,% is influenced by the two independent variables. While the remaining 91.0% is influenced by other variables.

 Keywords: Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Asset (DAR), Return On Asset (ROA)


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