The Influence Of Product Quality, Service Quality, Product Differentiation, Price Perception, And Promotion On Purchasing Decisions Of Gostreet Beauty Products
Starting to increase in beauty products that provide various benefits with the aim to always meet the needs of society, in this case, women in the beauty section. Go Street is a beauty product manufacturer that always tries to meet the needs of its consumers by always prioritizing the use of quality ingredients that are not harmful to its users. This study aims to measure the influence of product quality, service quality, product differentiation, price perception, and promotion on purchasing decisions. In this study using the accidental sampling method, a questionnaire was prepared and given to 100 respondents. After that, the results are processed with the SPSS 26 software stone tool to obtain quantitative analysis results, including validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, two-stage regression analysis with the Goodness of Fit test (F test), the degree of a determinant. test (R2), partial significant test (t-test) and to obtain the regression equation..
Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Product Differentiation, Price Perception, Promotion Decisions
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