Economic Contribution Of Onthel Bike Oject Profession In Urban Communities’ Life


  • Suci Sulistiya Putri Universitas Pamulang


The industrial revolution in this 19th and 20th centuries in the world caused the industrial sector to develop rapidly with labor-incentive industrial form. Many rural people migrate to urban areas, which more develop and provide better opportunities for people. The problem is only some labor were hired, especially them with potential skills and expertise, and leave the other unskillful labors that work in informal sectors. For example, in the service provider and trade sectors. The workers in the informal sector do not need the special skills and formal education requirements. Without particular skills, workers in informal sectors gained their experience from friends or relatives who have adapted in the capital city to survive. Although they were not absorbed as employee in the formal sector, they can create new types of work in the informal sector according to the needs of the local community. They work in transportation services as onthel bicycle driver (transportation for person with antique bicycle). This unique means of transportation can only be found in the West and North Jakarta area. This job is easy and does not require a special skill or ability. The minimum income from their long working hours (usually longer than office hour) is better than the income in their hometown and enough for their family need according to their perspective. Their existence (onthel bicycle driver) is a problem for the convenience of urban planning, but on the other hand, it is also a form of independence for newcomers to survive and also provide an affordable and flexible means of transportation for the lower classes of society.

 Keywords: onthel bicycle taxis, strategy, economic contribution.


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