Analysis Marketing Strategy and Plan at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta
This study focuses on "Analysis Marketing Strategy and Plans at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta ". Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to determine what strategies and plans have been implemented and can be developed at PT. Pratama Graha Semesta. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, using informants to conduct interviews and observations using a case study approach. The data source used is primary data, namely information that comes from direct observation of the research location after making observations and interviews. Meanwhile, secondary sources are data obtained from documentation or literature study to complement primary data. The results of this study indicate that PT. Pratama Graha Semesta has implemented a marketing strategy and plan. At the end of each year the company will conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the marketing plan that will be implemented and the marketing strategy that is carried out is the seven P (7P) marketing mix concept, namely: 1) Product factor 2) Price factor 3) Place factor 4) Promotion factors 5) Process factors 6) People factors and 7) Physical factors.
Keywords: marketing strategy, marketing plan, SWOT analysis, marketing mix
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